New Layout
The only con is it does not permit readers to comment, but well, in order to overcome this, I installed a Cbox. I hope it is easy to use, in a way. I'll try to do something about the comments section though.
Why I am not sleeping yet? Playing Luminous Arc certainly makes me energetic, in some ways. >=3
Bla Bla Bla
We learn and yet we destroy.
We learn and yet we are being stupid.
More than animal. Much more worse.
When our leader is being stupid we are being hypocrite.
What is this plague that have infected us?
Why we are being slow?
We speak of something, and yet, we do nothing.
"Action speaks louder than words"
This is what we are taught when we were little.
When we grow up,
Talking is better than actions.
We learn many things when we are little,
And none of it are used when we grow.
Are we stupid?
Are we crazy?
Contamination of the mind spreading everyday.
We talk shit.
Eat shit; Everything shit.
Are we shit?
Even if we talk like a scholar,
The filling of it is zero.
There's nothing other than the feeling to show-off.
Showing-off how idiot we are.
We talk about religion and yet,
We never do anything by the religion.
We shape our own religion.
We shape everything according to our needs.
That is how life work.
The strong change things so that they can live better.
The weak suffer and confused.
We are not stupid, we are idiot.
There are no genius.
There are no smart people.
There are only idiots that pretends to be smart.
At least there are people that knows they are idiot.
You know you are an architecture student when…
Got this from a friend, indeed it’s very true. Credits to whoever brilliantly created this list. know the janitors by name. ...your roommates say "good morning," and you reply "good night." carry a toothbrush in your backpack. ...someone asks you for your phone number and you give them the studios. start paying rent for your desk space in studio. ...You total up 3 meals of the day to your breakfast. ...'Red Bull' is you favorite drink. ...all of the Christmas gifts you give are wrapped in trace. ask Santa Clause for architecture supplies. ask Santa Clause for a sleeping bag. ...after all of your expenses, you can't afford to pay attention have 3 or more cups of double shot coffee espressos in one night hear the same song on the radio 3 or more times in one night. ... You know the different taste between UHU and Pritt glue ... You can stay alive without sunlight, communicate with people nor having foods but you would commit suicide if the plotter doesn't plot your work out ...the only sleep you get is in your G. E. classes. workers are already working. ...You've lost your house key and u realized week later sleep more than 16 hrs at weekends ...u dance madly at 3 am though u aren't drunk note smt with yr drafting pen or yoken ... You are an expert and Photoshop, illustrator and auto cad but u don't know how to use MS excel've got 2 subjects / day but u got to study it whole day spend more time in studio than in your own bed. ...your parents are complaining that you're not having enough fun. only leave studio to buy supplies. haven't taken a shower in a week. see showering as a waste of time.'ve ever dreamt about your models. ...upon hearing 'supermodel', you think of a nicely crafted-foam core model. ...your parents have more of a social life than you. ...your 14-year-old brother has more of a social life than you. consider using broccoli for your models. enjoy hanging out at 'Home and Garden Fair'. know all the 24-hour food places in the area. ...your friends get more sleep in one night than you do in one week. ...the streetlights turn off. ..You consider 3AM an early night. ...when you are out at 3AM, and people knows where you're at. ...everything you eat comes in single serving baggies. ...the idea of a 24 hour 'Kinko's' make's perfect sense ...smoking sounds appealing.'re out on Friday nights in studio. ...the only building on campus with its lights on is your studios'. say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish." confuse sunrise with sunset. ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?" strangle your roommate because she said she stayed up late studying. ...your Friday night is 68 hours long. know how much a cubic foot of concrete weighs (150lbs). slice your finger, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be able to finish your model. understand why architects have glasses and white hair. ...You call some great architects as if they are you friends. err... Frank... Tadao. swear there are only 120 people at USC. know all of these are true, no exaggerations. can listen to all your CD's in one night. ...certain songs remind you of studio. change the style of music to country coz u r fed up with POP ...Sister's favorite brand names are Prada DNKY etc... But yours are Mastex, Staedtler, pentel, rotring dare not to have a gf/bf coz no one can accept for what u are can conceptually compose the food on your plate. think the 'Weekender' happens every weekend. ...upon hearing 'Weekends' you think of sleep. ...the 'Shop Cafe' closes when you arrive, and reopens before you leave studio. have to wait for breakfast shops to open. go to the food shop, and order the "usual", and they understand. use architecture tools to eat. only buy groceries once a month. wake up to go to school and you're already there. start wearing all black. have no life, and admit it. start to critique a radio selection's selection of songs. bring your friends to studio to keep you company. refer to outside studio as the "Real World." ..."going out to eat" is at the 'Shop Cafe'. ...going on a vacation involves going to 'Flax' or 'Pearl'. confuse today and tomorrow. tell time by when other people leave studio. can write a 6-page term paper by procrastinating. hear "Didn't you wear that yesterday?' followed by "and the day before that?" roommate files a Missing Person Report. count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake. think days are 48 hours long. go to the store to buy a six-pack of 'Red Bull'. ..."Homecoming" happens once a term. ...on Halloween, you dress like your instructors. ...on Halloween you trick-or-treat in studio to get arch supplies or 'Red Bull.' ..."respect", "coolness', and "hatred" are all based on how much sleep you get, or lack of. see your own picture on a milk carton. start using words your instructor uses. ...your bed has collected a layer of dust on it. ...concept of time is not forward, but a countdown from the time a project is due ("What time is it?""4 hours 'till"). contemplate suicide 3 times a day. contemplate dropping your major 3 times a day. have a tent pitched in studio, but still don't go to sleep. ...doing models all night long excites you. know the people in the studio better then your roommates ...Drimmels are a lifelong investment, if you can keep the parts. ...Gesso is pointless. ...The roof, Atkinson Hall, at 4 AM -- nothing like it. ...X-acto knives can be dangerous... as we all know or will find out. ...Beer pyramids AND Red Bull pyramids are some of our late-night late projects. ...Elmer's glue doesn't dry quick -- not even close. ...They know the phrase "Always done, never done" all too well and wish the professors would stop saying it ...They can always have more construction lines. ...They know the number and price of their favorite item in the snack machine downstairs, as well as every other item and all the drinks in the other two machines. ...And if you have been drunk while in the studio working on a project, join the club. ...they believe they should be paid just for having the major drink more in studio than you do when you're out have sent messages on aim to another jackass architecture student in the same room as you are think "X-Acto Blade Throwing" is a sport. have 3 or more 'Mountain Dews' in one night spend more time in studio than with your wife. ..."scoring" involves an X-Acto blade don't find out who wins the Presidential Election until Thanksgiving Break, if you get one at all. ...a break consists of moving your car.'ve memorized you favorite vending machine combination item (B6). use your T-square or straight edge as a baseball bat. ....the day has 2 sunrises. test which glue will cause your model to burn faster. ....when you tell people you major in "architorture" ...U can't draw without listening to music! ...when people tell you that they like walking around with you because you see things know one else does. ...when you don't understand how someone doesn't strategize their way through traffic (or everything else in life). ...when someone says "icon" and you think of Louis I. Kahn. ...when someone says "eye candy" and you think of gratuitous details on a building. ...when you use words like "gratuitous". ...when you have to use spellchecker to see if you spelled "gratuitous" right. ... When you're not sure what day of the week it is ... When you have slept straight through a day and into the next day after a final review ... When lack of sleep makes you feel and act as if you are high ... When any flat surface is seen as a place to take a nap (underneath the tables in the computer room (that's where it is the warmest), in hallways, on drafting boards ... When a relationship with an upperclassman seems like a good idea because they might be able to help you on your project ... When a relationship with an underclassman seems like a good idea because their final review is before yours and therefore, they can help you produce once they are finished ... When the books that you read consist primarily of photographs and not so much of words ... When you have to ask your fellow architects to give you wake up calls ... When you have three or more alarm clocks in your room. ... When cutting yourself with an x-acto seems like a good idea because it will give you an excuse for not having finished your work ... When you go to studio and spend more time socializing than doing work ... When you have big enough balls to tell a critique that they are wrong ... When everyone in studio hates you because you are the one who plays their music too loudly ... When after playing your music too loudly the same people who hated you start to take interest in your music ... When you have developed an addiction to buying new albums, because you have gotten sick of all your old ones ... When trying to decide what album to play you find an album you haven't listened to a while and it ends up being the perfect choice. ... When professors for courses outside of the architecture school are lenient once they are aware you are an architecture student. ... When you tell someone in another school that you are architecture major and they automatically assume you have no social life ... When you have a non architect friend who wants to tag along to architecture parties because they know that architects have the best parties ... When you are the only sober person standing outside of the hot truck on a Friday/ Saturday night ... When you have a sign taped to your back that says do not disturb unless you are ordering food or handing out free blowjobs ... If it were possible to bartar sexual favors for production help, you would seriously consider pulling tricks ... You have given a final presentation with your fly open ... You try to do things to make your friend laugh while he is presenting ... You have layed flat out on the floor and gone to sleep during a review ... You have snored during a review ... When you skip classes because you have too much work to do ... When writing a paper seems impossible and completely foreign to you ... When you attempt to do a media project in lieu of a paper ... When you have an inexplicable mark running off your page because you fell asleep while drafting ... When you are able to fall asleep underneath a running shower head and you are completely sober ... When you wonder what it would be like to be in another major and the idea of going Out three or more nights a week is unfathomable ... When you participate in a mad dash to the campus cafe at closing time for free coffee lose your eyesight and you gain backache and neck ache ...when people stop you in hallways and say "hey, I like your beard" and you realize that you haven't shaved in three projects ...when you start measuring all time segments in terms of "projects ...when you refer to your computer as your "significant other" ...when you have nicknames for all your tools ...when you talk to all your tools like they're "real people" and use their nicknames ...when taking "5" is going and making coffee, taking "a break" is running to the store to get more coffee beans and for every 6 hours of sleep you miss, you add a scoop to every pot of coffee you make ...when a triple shot espresso just doesn't have enough "kick" ...when you try to talk to another person and realize that you've invented your own language and nobody else understands you ...when Pink Floyd lyrics actually make sense ...when a 102 degree fever or strep throat is to you no excuse to miss a crit.
Do they really want to be or is it just a metaphor of what they actually want to be?
Being a sky means being free, and nothing is the same. Perhaps the person who wants to be a sky just want to be free, or want something different in his or her life.
Most religion, and in fact, even in science, human are placed in the highest hierarchy of living organism. Yet, why are we craving being into something else? Isn't it ironic? We, human who are at the top of the ladder wants to be something below us? I personally think that this shows that humans are incomplete and this feeling proves that no matter how advance we are we cannot run from the fact that we are missing something. Something here can mean anything. The fact that we are incomplete sometimes makes some person tick, and go furious about it. I wonder why? Is it because he or she believes that human is the best creation ever? Or humans are the peak of evolution?
This also raises another question, is human a part of nature? Personally I do not think so. Religiously, the Earth and the nature, not to mention the universe is created before human. Scientifically also, humans comes after nature existed. We are put into the picture by God to test us; and see what we have done? Louis Khan have once said, Nature does not need us, we, humans, needs nature. It's a undeniable fact.
Take now for example. The global warming, and the pollution crisis. It is devastating to us, and not to nature. Nature can still persist even if the ocean rose 3 meters high, or the temperature rises 3 centigrade. How about human? Of course not. Even with technologies, we can only live in small numbers, with a whole lot of restriction. Human mind is not transcendent to think to such heights. At one point we can only think about ourself. At zero hour we can see people being selfish, leaving all morality and their principle and ideology behind. Being hypocrite is something human cannot leave.
Sometimes, thinking of this, I can understand why some people does not want to be human. They rather be low ranked rather than being devastating to others.
Henceforth, we unconsciously think about this, and make decision, either to be at the top or somewhere else in the ladder. Being on top does not mean we can be happy. The higher we are the greater the responsibilities and the risk of falling. As they say, too much of everything is never a good thing.
In an alternate world, where human can get money easily, very, easily. What will the value of money be? If one could get 1 Million USD in a blink of the eye, will it make the world a better place?
Or perhaps, because of the numerous amount of money, recession and inflation will occur?
I wonder.
People can buy things that they want, and what they need to survive. People will not fight any more for food, for space, and most importantly for money. There would be also no corruption as people would not want to do something immoral for money any more, because he or she can get money easily without doing bad things. Is it?
We could also see the birth of many new cities, more industrial places, or perhaps even better less of it. But who knows people in that kind of situation might think. Even now, the world is full of greedy people, that knows no boundary in searching for wealth. In his or her quest, they will ignore many of the important thing to them. Their family, the environment and the other people. I wonder what would happen if they can get money easily? Would they still be greedy?
It's a fact that rich people has less moral values in them. I wonder if in this situation, where people can get money in a blink of the eye, how will people live? Would they do many immoral things, because they have money? Or perhaps they would just live happily because they van choose not to work and spend time with their family.
All in one, money is still a something to be frightened with. People can change 180° with money. From good to bad, and vice versa.
Probability is something fun to learn and watched. There is almost no similar probability in actions, except for the probability of failing and success. Either we get or we lose.
We can never expect things to go in our way in life. That is why life is like gambling, as what some people say. We always gamble in love, in examinations, in friendship, and many more. I’d say that we probably used up all our luck when we reach 28 years old. The world is very tough these days. The new millennia, the new wave or modernization, the wars of the minds, the economic crisis. The stakes are higher than what we use to see.
Life is like war if we see it properly. Well, the word war has been stereotyped by many people, at the very least what war is for me is very different from other people. When we say ‘war’ we would always remember fights with guns and tanks. For me, war exist in learning, love, family and many others. This is where probability comes. One that can calculate the equations of probability can be quite successful in life. At the very least, even knowing how to gather all the probabilities and analyze it is more than enough.
Then again, while we might think that mathematics is everything, things can go out of way. I’d say it’s God playing His role. Evolutionist, or atheist might say it’s a natural occurrence, or accident. Either way, it’s a fact that nothing can 100% happen. Unless of course, it is something that we are used – Is there?
- The chances of one getting full marks in examination, even if he is a genius: 99% – 1% because of perhaps human error
- The chances of one getting married with woman of choice and be happy: 40% to 60%
- The chances we are going to be dead: 100%
- The chances of we are going to be lied or lie: 99% – 1% ‘Cause there is still frog under the shell…?
Well, other than death nothing is certain. So,why live?
I am very much pissed with KTM, and their way of solving congestion while waiting. To compare, Putra and STAR, which comes at around 10 minutes once with KTM, KTM is very much way behind.
From my observation, I could deduce that the ration of waiting time is 2:1. Then again, KTM never comes early. They would always have this kind of technical problems. I really wonder what is the real problem.
Why is it so difficult to raise the frequency of the trains? Is it about the money? I think in one day there would be around 30 people will go to KL Sentral, which cost 2.60. That is from Kajang alone. I think the profit that KTM receive is quite good. Not to mention that it is the only one that is quite expensive.
And the new queue system? Fuck off. No one will give a damn on a paint on the floor. Seriously. They even sit or spit on in. That is why, build a damn fence! Make it compulsory for people to properly line up and wait until ALL the passenger to go out. Make them learn to wait. Sometimes I need to wait for 3 trains then I could get into the trains. Not to mention elderly people that been pushed out of the train because of being sow. Kids being pushed around.
And then, what’s more hilarious, when people do the same thing to them, they go angry.
Anyway, KTM sucks. Your idea if queue-ing is very stupid. Even having a Polis Bantuan also never helps. People in Malaysia are also stupid. Don’t know how to wait; to queue; and being considerate.
There will be a time when…
1. We meet or see people saying bad stuff on other people, but they either consciously or unconsciously do the same thing. In fact some are much worse. I wonder what we call this thing is? Is it hypocrisy or is it irony? Sometimes it is very funny to see their behaviors, but sometimes it is irritating. Especially if the person is going all out in mocking other people. What’s worse, they cannot take critiques from other people. How wonderful can that be?
2. We meet people that has no effort. Not schneizeleffort. Just no effort at all, for instance, living, doing assignments, or perhaps in interacting. I wonder why. Although I am sometimes like that, I never neglect those close to me. It is something weird. We can see clearly that people like that are often left alone. Either that or they just want to be alone. On the other hand, dealing with these kind of people is bothersome. It’s like we are trying to get a value when we are actually multiplying by zero. Of course we get zero, no?
3. We see people that has no common sense or ability to think, at the very least knows the norm of being a civilized people. From time to time I will think why things such as elopement, rape, drug abuse and many others are freely being done by people. I wonder if they think? A very dear friend of me told me, “Do not expect everyone to think, especially in your way.” Indeed, it is true but then again, I think at the very least they should have a grasp of basic philosophy in life; or they don’t? Seriously, Malaysian especially need to learn and think more. Not just being a frog under a coconut shell. Then again, this is Malaysia, where things that defies logic would happen – or so I think.
4. We see a lot of hypocrites. Self explanatory. Hypocrites = Bother + (Nuisance*WTH*WTF*GTHO) + Bloody Hell
5. We would see drama. It is said that everyone has their own persona, one deep down inside, kept hidden and the other one the primary persona, which is used in interactions. There are a lot of instances where people have more persona, each for every person they meet or occasions. I wonder, how can they survive in such lies? When a relationship is built on lie, all other things that happens are also lies. Lies that made up lies. (/sarcasm: Lies + Lies = GG)
A Leader
Kitleen, I am indeed interested about the article that you have given to me. Here is a bit of my ten cents.
This article has made me very interested. I mean, there is almost no leader like that in the world anymore. I may not know him well, or the country state of affairs to make a comment but no wonder the U.S. and many other country are afraid of Iran. Iran have a strong leader that is wise and daring, plus he knows what is meant when being a leader.
A leader works for their underling, in one way or another. In Islam, Khalifah Umar is a very good example of a leader. Read more here. For me, a leader, especially in a democratic country like Malaysia that is also a multi-ethnic country needs a leader like this. At the very least that is. Which one one would prefer? A leader that has a some social status or power, or a leader that knows the citizen and their life, and also living in their vibe?
For me I prefer the latter. For one, a leader like that can grasp more on the life of the citizen. Not like someone that does not know to see and hear what the citizen really want.
For example going to the KTM to see the disaster only after the ruckus made by the Opposition (mostly). But he still keep saying words of defying reality. People, do not like him anymore. People are annoyed. We are tired of hearing your “Tak betul,” “Tak ada perkara macam itu” and et cetera. Sometimes he reminds me of an irritating guy that only thinks for himself.
Anyway, on topic, I went to Penang, Kepala Batas. When I was looking for a place to stay for a night I found a hotel/resort under construction. While it looks dazzling, with the grand design and such, shortly after that I found that the resort is actually Abdullah’s property or so it goes. Whether it is right or wrong, having such rumors – maybe a fact – going on. Then the article came in. I thought, “Wow, what a difference.”
From what I know, Abdullah has:
- A G5.
- A resort.
- ECM Libra.
- Evenue Capital.
- Oil-for-Food Program.
- And the list goes on… (Tell me if you know more…)
What the hell? Even Tun, who has lead the country for 22 years does not have that much. The wealth he has is from his work and his children’s work. God blessed him with good children.
I wonder if we can see something like this happen in Malaysia, which also happen to be an Islamic country?
I wonder whether we can change our mindset in being more liberalized and more disciplined in thinking.
I wonder if we can see leader that behave like a human not like a monkey. (See parliamentary seating.)
I wonder of we can see or have a leader in Malaysia that knows the meaning to be a leader.
More reading:
Property Declaration
To be continued…
What animal are you?

Which animal would best suit your personality? A DOG. You are one of the best friends that someone could ever ask for. A very loyal, compassionate person who is always there for close friends and family members who are in a tough time. You are someone who can be counted on time and time again and never let small grudges get in the way of a good friendship. But unfortunately, you are very dependent, and every now and then someone will take advantage of your loyalty, and it is most often not until you end up hurt that you realised your foolishness. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Your Result: Red Jaguar You're a very big kitty! You're very fast, but can be easily tricked. Insecurity causes your very sharp senses to fool you and easily get caught in your actions. Your Soul Mate is the Tan Giraffe. In conflict with the Teal Cat. | |
Teal Cat | |
Blue Fox | |
Silver and Red Wolf | |
Ocre and Gray Dolphin | |
Gold Falcon | |
Tan Giraffe | |
Yellow Trout | |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Working with people.
I have always hated working with people for some reason. Some people that I know always said that I am a lone wolf or something like that. Perhaps I am. The thing about working with people is that you need to be strong and patient. I am patient but not in matters regarding works.
It is hard for us to understand people, especially people that we just know. It is harder even to work with them since we cannot understand them. Appearance can be deceiving, while one may seem diligent he or she might not be as good as what people might think, in fact some sloppy people are much more better than them.
The wonders of the world as some might say. But I think that this is bothersome and tiring. Every time we go somewhere new we need to repeat the process again and again. We might encounter something bad and something good. Life is like that, we make choices and we live by the result.
Repetition always occurs. Being tired because of this is not something weird, I am sure that most of us would feel that way.
Anyway working with people have always tire me out. Things like they are not doing their job properly or being truant, its beginning to be normal, which I dislike.
Sometimes I wish I can be alone. Though the fact that being alone is never going to help you in life remains as one of the rules of the world.
Unless of course you are a genius with super abilities.
New Anime Series
Shikabane Hime
Gundam OO Season 2
Tales of The Abyss
Tora Dora
Vampire Knight – Guilty
Clannad – After Story
ef ~ a tale of melodies
Hakushaku to Yousei
Yozakura Quartet
Meccademi Wasshoi
Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka
Chaos Head
Taoru no Majutsu no Index
Nodame Cantabile – Paris Hen
I hope I can watch all of this~
Trying to watch all of the series I can. > <
EDIT: Main highlight:
- Gundam OO – 3/5
- Taoru Majutsu no Index – 3/5
- Toradora – 4/5
- Tales of the Abyss – 4/5
- Yozakura Quartet – 3.5/5
- Clannad ~After Story~ – 4/5
- Nodame Cantabile ~Paris-hen~ – 5/5
Episode 25 leaves me in…I don’t know what to say. I am a bit disappointed, but not really. A bit enraged. Unsatisfied. Though I have noticed that the ED is going to be something like this, but…
I wonder if Lelouch is alive? ‘Cause I want to see C.C. X Lelouch ending…
Look here.
But either way, at least some of the thing happened is ok.
- Orange and Pink Loli? What about Orange and Ninja?
- What about Pudding and Lakhshata?
- What happened to Xing Ke? Why he is not featured in the wedding picture?
- I wonder how Suzaku can manage being Zero?
- Nunnally is CUTE. = 3
- Might be coincidence but, Spice and Wolf ED?
Well, at least happy ending is nice?
Bla Bla Bla
New Curriculum
Hell. After all these years and this?
Why are the government is slow? Not to mention secondary school is unaffected.
Anyway it is a good move though I still think that regulating the syllabus is much more important.
- Most student does not know where to go after they have completed their studies.
- They do not know what subject they need to master.
- In another case, when they got to know what they want to be their qualification or subject requirements is different.
- What is learned in the Secondary School need to be learned again in the tertiary level; not to mention things that are not related is also taught in the secondary level.
- And I wonder why there is too much exams?
Hari Raya
Hari Raya is near, Selamat Hari Raya to all!
Jay Chou - Capricorn
The new album in on the way and a single is out.
The new album Capricorn will be based on his zodiac sign and his current interest of magic tricks1. Can’t wait for the album to come out.
Song name: 稻香 (Dao Xiang) [Fragrant Rice]
1Based on this Wikipedia page.
The Boy and the Devil
Was left out by his family,
Living together, yet it feels like living alone.
Like a ghost.
The parents never cared.
The parents never though about the boy.
The boy,
Was living alone.
With no friends.
With no knowledge of happiness is.
Without knowing what is love.
But he did not complain.
He just kept quite.
Day pass by;
The boy sit alone in the corner of his room,
Watching the sky through the window,
He saw a group of family playing together at the park,
They were happy.
Really happy.
He feels empty.
He cried for the first time ever.
A silent cry - that no one will ever know.
He heard his mother screaming curse at him.
He heard his father going out of the house.
He was confused.
He was on the verge of breaking down.
A devil came and try to persuade him - giving him a drink,
A drink that will end his suffering.
The boy drank the drink.
A cup full of poison.
A cup that made him feel free.
The boy is free now;
Free from the suffering.
Free from the family that he despise.
Bla Bla Bla
Washington summons Malaysian Envoys
Quote from the news:
”The United States firmly believes that freedom of the press and freedom of speech are fundamental to a vibrant democracy,” the State Department official said.
That made me laugh. Hard.
I wonder how hypocrite the U.S. government could be. Mind your own business.
Before anything else, Malaysia is a country built based on racial unity. Once the unity is broken or wavy, the country will be in danger. Like what is happening now.
After the retard Ismail, now the ISA issue, what is going to happen to this country? What's next? War? Damn.
Reasons why things like this can happen:
- Stupid leader, not to mention an air-head who does not realise what he should do.
- Racism, such as the retard Ismail and the Hindraf.
- No unity.
- Ignorant people.
- People with small mindset or perhaps wrong.
- Not modernised.
- Again, racism.
Malaysia going to be 'safe' ^_^. Our leader (Abdullah) can manage to change the country. HAHA.
(Using the same ignorant words as he is. XD)
And why Ahmad Ismail is not detained by ISA but the three are?
Nice, a perfect
Sometimes I feel that I want people to hear what I say.
I hope that Tun Dr. Mahathir could revolutionize back UMNO. He is the best thing ever happened to Malaysia after Tunku Abdul Rahman. Not to forget the warriors - Tun Sambathan and Tun Tan Cheng Lock.
Quality of Education
I always wanted to write something about this.
Education is certainly the second most important thing for a human other than food. If a human has no education chances are, he will be nothing. Education comes in many ways, like schools, college, or perhaps from the parents.
Knowledge is everywhere. It is simple as that.
Anyway, as I have entered college, I came to realize that the quality of education in Malaysia is low, very, very low.
- There is no syncro in the syllabus from the primary school and the college level.
- The syllabus is 'beating-around-the-bush'.
- The lack of professionalism in teaching.
- The great lack of student control.
- Too exam oriented and not focusing on increasing the skills of the student in their ability as a person that is going to enter the community. Do we need to learn all that by ourself or in the university?
- The confusion of language. Just use English for Science and Mathematics.
xxxholic - Yuuko X Watanuki
Maybe I should find some doujinshi... But this sucks, I can't see some official love action... Especially Yuuko.
Well for now, some fan art and doujinshi hunting~ XD
A ****ed up and a re****ded man - Ahmad Ismail
So much for peace keeping. Abdullah needs to set his mind straight and be more strong and firm. Such utterance of words is unforgiven. Why should Najib go and apologise for that retard?
UMNO is irrelevant and rotting. BN is going to be soon. Why? Because the leaders blinds themselves (UMNO, and Abdullah) into seeing what is the problem. Maybe they know but is too stupid because they can't think what is the best they could do.
Malaysia would fall and Abdullah and racist issue would be a problem.
Fuck that Ahmad. May God bless you and your retarded thinking.
I wish I could say something to him, and Abdullah.
In the Malaysian Studies classes I learned a bit about Melaka Empire. It seems that there is a bit of similarities between the government then and now.
Sultan Mahmud Syah reign over Melaka is regarded as the Golden Age of Melaka. Sultan Allaudin (forgot the the spelling or perhaps the name...) reign leads to the fall of Melaka.
Sultan Mahmud Syah = Tun Dr Mahathir (and the ocincidence of the 20 years of ruling...)
Sultan Allaudin = Abdullah?
I pray this coincidence is just a coincidence and holds no meaning, though there is no coincidence in this world...
Sometimes love just come and go. Sometime love stays forever. Either it is something good, or bad it differs.
Love can be bad.
Love can be good.
Love is blind.
Love makes you strong.
Love make you weak.
Love is contradiction.
Love feels good even all of this.
When we are in love other things seems to be a nuisance. Far away. Unimportant.
Stuck in the world of two. Forever entangled until the love runs out; or perhaps forever until the end of time.
We sacrifice our self for our partner, even if sometimes our partner does not know how to appreciate what we have done.
We think about our partner 24-7, even though our partner is not.
We say "I love you," with all the love in the world. It's a wonder if our feeling reached our partners' heart.
In the end, love still hurts. One way or another.
- Marianne looks like a prostitute or some crazy girl at some part, making me feel a bit down with her appearance.
- Charles and Marianne are really a bad parent. LOL them.
- Suzaku and Lelouch has gone crazy? Both of their face during the end are a bit worryign, and my C.C. face is also worrying. What is she thinking?
- No more Anya?
- Schenizel has something to counter Lelouch? ZOMG
- Season 3?
- Damocles
On the other hand, when will season 2 Haruhi will come out?
College Life
Things seems to be going smoothly, or I might be wrong...
This also means less time with my precious Pokemon, my lolis, PS2...
I doubt my anime life would be effected. I'll devote my time to study and anime, at most.
Tun Dr. Mahathir said something about this matter also.
My friend told me once, when he was going tout to celebrate Merdeka day with his family, he saw people, many people stop their car and stand out straight when Negaraku is played sharp at twelve o'clock.
Not to mention the people on the streets, the mamak's stalls, and the ones at home. Seeing such sight makes me proud as Malaysian. Even with the slight disagreement we still hold each others hand during such events. Deep down inside the spirit of Merdeka is still burning.
But I wonder what will happen this year. I just hope things will turn out alright.
I don't want to see my country, that has grown from the colonised country that I learned from history to the now one of the leading country in ASEAN countries, becoming something else, something un-Malaysian.
The past leaders, like Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambathan, to name a few must be saddened by the situation we are facing now. They worked so hard, and we are ruining it?
I am seriously disturbed by the way the country is leading. You can say that I am slightly scared. Ignorance of the leaders both the opposition and the government escalated the problems more and more.
When I learned about how Malaysia is formed and how the Malaysian Warriors of Independence strive so that we could have independence I was touched. Very touched indeed. Imagine all of the people, regardless of race and religion worked together to make this country better, even after more than 30 years the bond is there.
But somehow the bond began to fade and we gradually forget the feeling.
I wonder why?
I wonder why we the rakyat can't be like that? Is it because it is the past and we are forgetting our roots? If so we are like Si Tanggang; and we are surely to be doomed.
I am sure that deep down most of us wants peace and live and harmony. It's just some people want to interrupt the harmony and peace that is growing over the past 50 years. And they say they fight for Malaysia, how ironic.
And the fanatic supporters blinds themselves with their leaders lies.
And the supporters keep quite even if they know their leaders are the cause of the parties downfall.
And we the rakyat still fight for our rights, even though we should settle down and be one to solve the problems.
Pokemon Diamond
I just passed the first gym, but I still need to familiarize my self with the mechanics and the new Pokemon. But my sense of a Pokemon breeder stills exists~
I need a new list of Pokemon.
The new Pokemon names are...somehow...weird. But my favourite is still, Charizard.
But there's something that bothers me a lot. There's no loli. Or perhaps not now...
There's one loli:
Code Geass, Lolis, henshin and me.
All hail Schneizel!
I want more Nunnally and C.C..
Spinzaku has his head spinning.
Enough of Geass... Kamen Rider Den-O and Kiva - Deka Ranger is quite good~ I missed Ryuuta~ And the comb0-ulti of Castle Doran, Den-Liner and Zero-Liner is amazing.
Simply amazing.
And lolis are great! (Anime only and I am not a pedo.)
Wow. Nation in distress.
I am speechless.
Even though I agree that the way the government is heading right now is going to be worse and worst day by day, doing this is unacceptable - even if it is right, in terms of showing that the country is in distress.
We Malaysians, take pride in our country flag, and to be treated that's such a shame.
Why do I dislike the idea?
- It's a futile attempt.
- Foreigners will make bad remarks on Malaysia, this in turn will affect Malaysia in many ways. In the end we could be the one suffering, some if not all.
- Intervention of outsiders. Self explanatory. US, and Singapore tried to do it.
- We are not in serious, real distress.
- There are many, I mean, many ways for us to solve the problem, and this method is way down the list.
For the sake of Malaysia? I don't think so.
I think I may do another post on this.
Free time?
Maybe I should continue writing?
I began in taking interest in playing MMORPG, but I can't seem to find a good one that I can play.
I am watching anime on and on.
I also watched Ultraman Mebius the Movie and Ultraman Nexus. LOL
My country. Part One
I must agree with Lim Kit Siang's comment in his blog, about this matter.
The leader's in Malaysia. especially the ones in UMNO and PAS are too absorbed in their own ideology, and making contradictions of what Malaysia should be - a country for all, not a country for Malays or Islam only. I suppose they never think about other races. What they like to think is money, their power and getting more and more of such things.
What we Malaysian needs is a change of pace. Not just the government, we as the rakyat need to change also, in many ways.
We are still trapped in the phobic thinking of racism. Envying, hating and cursing other races. What happened to unity? What happened to the Malaysian Malaysia? What happened to the spirit of Merdeka?
Everyone is the same in this world. What differentiate us is our ability. If we try hard to become something, then we can. If not, we would be just, normal. Nothing comes easily, effort is needed, in everything. That is one of the basic rule of living.
So, the thing with helping the Malays and so on would be a waste at this time. Mainly because the Malays are day dreaming, they are comfortable with their position and make less effort to try to do something with the option they have, given in the special Malay rights. It's no lie; see how many Malays that are involved in many immoral activities? Are we even a Muslim?
What will happen to a country if the people is not educated? Both morally and educationally? What is the benefit in gaining rapid development but the people are still trapped in old thinking? Lack of moral values?
This applies to all races, not just the Malays.
That aside, one other thing that is making thing worse is the government. This is a political issue and politics, are never one of my favorite things.
They are leaders chosen by the rakyat. They need to work for the rakyat. Not for gaining power, or money or what ever other reason there is. They need to know that, that is their responsibility.
Then again, they are humans. Humans tends to forget the important things when are faced by lust, greed and power.
Then again who am I to say such things? Nothing will change. We would continue and bash each other, blaming this and that, making false accusations, making more lies. And who is suffering because of that?
I must say, that politics, not just in this country who I love, is filth. What happened to the so called, democracy. Perhaps maybe if Hitler rule over Malaysia people would learn the value of unity, like we had learn in order to obtain our freedom 50 years ago.
Or we had forgotten what is Merdeka?
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII on the XBOX360.
Oh yeah.
This is surprisingly frustrating. I am a SONY fan, and also a Square Enix fan. This action kinda deteriorate Square Enix's image on the fan.
Seriously I don't want to see their game to be downgraded or made for a not-so-new-generation console.
Even Hilter hates Square Enix now.
This shall remain as a stain in my life, as well as many other fan.
I can understand why Square Enix would want to release the game for XBOX360 but...oh God, why?
Apparently there is also a petition for PS3 fans, here.
I don't know if I still want to buy the game. I was planning to buy a PS3...
At elast XBOX360 does not have MGS4, Metal Gear Online, and maybe the exclusive Kingdom Hearts III.
I hope that Final Fantasy Versus XIII will not be a multi-platform game.
Epik High
Anyone else on MAL?
Anyways, I am so in love with this particular Korean Hip Hop trio, proudly known as Epik High.
Their song is very nice and I must say that there are epic in a way. I heard three out of live albums so far, and their song features many varieties of music, even though the base is hip hop. Many of their song features a mood feeling. Especially on the album High Society.
Epik High wiki
A few of their songs that is my favorite:
1. Epik High - Fly
2. Epik High feat Youn Ha -Umbrella
Go Epik High~
On another note, a person said that I am a pessimist.
I never thought of that, but, when I think about it I am one.
Besides, being a pessimist is good in it's own way. One cannot think in optimism all the time. When there is a good there's evil; the very same principle is applied in almost everything in this world. Therefore I think, it is best to have both kinds of thinking.
But, there are too many optimist in this world, so I decided that I should be the 'bad' one, in other words, the pessimist.
And seeing the world as it is today makes me think in that way more and more. Plus when you put it that way, I don't know whether a person who thinks like this would be called a pesismist or a realist.
Morality, human values and common sense is not applied. Well, most of it were never applied by people all the time even centuries before, but the 'amount' of the application is decreasing by day.
What happened? Are we going to be the very cause of human destruction?
At least things are 'under control' right now. There are people out there is nice and places where people can live happily together in peace. I hope that perhaps one day I could see the world would be in peace.
Shoujo Manga
Anyways, these are some of the a manga-Ka that I like:
1. taamo
Work sample

Work Sample

There are some more manga-Ka that I like, these are some of it. I don't know if the manga is available (translated or raw) at your country, but do try the work. It's very good. Normal but good.
Do visit their website, well, it's in Japanese though, but, with little English for easy navigation.
Lately I'm having designer's block, or no mood making new artwork... Ugh...
Another thing, I have been making up an English name, and I came up with Arturia Godric. It sounds somewhat classic, like a knight... lol
And it seems that I forgot the character name... > <
Another things is that why there are only 24 hours in a day? I wish I can have more, or perhaps migrating to Jupiter would solve this problem. Jupiter has larger orbit and therefore more time, in sense of day to night. I want more night and less days.
Time is precious, and limited. Yet people does not realize this, which is also the same to me.
But still I can escape the feeling to have the ability to control time or something like that.
You-chan is <3
Download Day - Firefox 3 Released
After I get back home, I'll download and install Firefox 3. I'll write some reviews too.
If anyone wonders where you can download Firefox 3, head on here and help making the record.
Some features of Firefox 3 can be viewed here.
One thing I can say, during the beta, Firefox 3 has operated, to my delight, at a very good performance. It is going to be the best browser around. Well, Opera is still good in it's own way, while Internet Explorer...just sucks.
I just installed Firefox 3.
A warning - backup all bookmarks or any web links for Firefox 2, the old one will be gone. Perhaps. It happened to me...
Other than that I am not disappointed with the new Firefox, even though some of the add-on's is not compatible with Firefox 3.
Another thing is worth to note is that the start up time for Firefox 3 is reduced. The memory usage somehow, increased, quite a lot. Another thing is that the speed of script processing increased, I'd say quite exponentially, thus increasing the web page load.
Give it a try.
Days goes by...
Experiencing work at the office certainly have made my world slightly bigger. The world that I knew once before when I was in school was long gone. Adult world as may call it is something new, entering it certainly make me miss my teen times, though I am still a teen. Then again, my experience actually changed me in some ways.
Anyways, things are getting quite hectic in the political arena, people fighting each other when a crisis is at bay. Why can't they think, that what is important now is not power, but helping out each other and making the country better? It's such a shame that they are the leaders. How can a leader be so selfish? Human nature I guess; I'll write something about that.
On a side note, I am still hoping that I can get into College A.S.A.P; I managed to force my mother to make up a decision fast. There is a high possibility I am going to UCSI, taking Foundations in Architecture Studies. But, the class would start in August, which is quite a long time. That saddens me. I miss learning, and I hope that I can learn more and more.
Another thing that bothers me: I need to buy a laptop. But I still can't decide one, any suggestion? Below RM2000.
Try McDonalds Sausage McMuffin with Egg breakfast set. Not pricey, taste good, and can fill up the tummy.
The Beginning
Maybe first I should find some topic that I could write, and then perhaps, find some friends.
Hope that everything would go well.
I have been editing the page... Maybe tomorrow I'll start some blogging. I already have some topics in mind. Maybe I would make some banner for this page too.

I have no obligations to follow any rules, 'cause the internet is free. Heck, the world is free. I am only bound the my sense of righteousness, as what other human impose on themselves and to others. I write what I want, and it is up to you to believe or not, or to accept it or not. If I am wrong then so be it. If I am straying from the right path and you think you have the knowledge to correct me then do so.
The End
Lots of work
Long Time
Getting Hot
Bla Bla Bla
The world and stuff.
The day before the Judgement Day
Random stuff...
Another Rant
March 2009
Earth Hour
Tommy heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky
To someone, again, who I suppose would read this. You know who you are.
Anime VS Cartoon
February 2009
Talk. Play. Love.
Hetalia Axis 3
Chromed Shelled Regios
Bla Bla Bla
Hetalia Axis 2
January 2009
To someone that would never read this.
Mistubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR
Too little and too much...
Bla Bla Bla
Bla Bla Bla
December 2008
New Layout
Bla Bla Bla
You know you are an architecture student when…
Epik High feat. Taru - 1 Minute 1 Second
November 2008
There will be a time when…
A Leader
October 2008
What animal are you?
Working with people.
September 2008
New Anime Series
Bla Bla Bla
Jay Chou - Capricorn
The Boy and the Devil
Bla Bla Bla
My Pokemons!
xxxholic - Yuuko X Watanuki
A ****ed up and a re****ded man - Ahmad Ismail
August 2008
College Life
Pokemon Diamond
Code Geass, Lolis, henshin and me.
Wow. Nation in distress.
I love you Ana. Really.
July 2008
Behind the scene of online gaming.
Free time?
My country. Part One
Final Fantasy XIII
Epik High
June 2008
Shoujo Manga
You-chan is <3
Download Day - Firefox 3 Released
Days goes by...
The Beginning