

And so, when I was perplexed in the though of the future, I thought of something helpful, at least to me, which is - just concentrate with what you can do.

Yes, I know that it is a simple thing, but is there a time that we actually consider it? I mean, like always, we would say this and that, idioms here and there but we don't actually follow it. I my self even though I know quite of number of quotes, I do not actually try to fully apprehend the real meaning of the words that I spoke of. Unless of course in some conditions that makes you think about it.

There are a lot of time when we are in position to think, but we choose not too - because of it's a hassle. We never thought that thinking about it and lkearning from it can bring so muhc benefit to us; that is of course, when you learn and practise it. Complicated as it is, the result it will bring is amazing. Try it. The simplest thing also can make a difference.

Which bring us to the ability to think. Not all people like to think actually. Not that they are stupid, they are lazy, and maybe perhaps, the choose not too because they know someone else can do it for them. Wait, isn't that laziness also? Anyways, I once thought about this and I made a inference that people think because they want something. They want to change things in to benifitting them, in bad ways and the other way around. No matter how they try to find a way to get what they want.

Take hacking for example. A simple example as that is kinda self-explanatory, of which that the hackers are usually operating with self interest. Whether for the good or the bad. Then again as we all might know, moral standards are different here and there and from one person to another. We might think that hackers are bad, but some don't.

My friend wrote about this, in his essay entitled Heroes and Stupidity. One of the questions was about the connection between heroes and stupidity. In relation there is a line that can make things go white or black which is - the moral standards. While we have laws and what-so-ever, we actually have no moral standards. One mind is different from another, and this what makes some bad guys can be a hero and some heroes is not. But for what ever reason they are, people's opinion will always be divided.

Anyway, into topic, as I said earlier, thinking can actually make your life better, not to mention if you think and study the idioms that you always hear. Quotes, as in real helpful quotes not from some retarded superstars is also a good choice as they are a words of people that has gone through their hardship and their thoughts and the present and past.

So think.

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