

From one to another, being human does not mean he is happy with it. There are some people that are not happy being human. There are some people that wishes to be an animal. There are some people that wants to a a plant. Some even want to be the sky or the ocean.

Do they really want to be or is it just a metaphor of what they actually want to be?

Being a sky means being free, and nothing is the same. Perhaps the person who wants to be a sky just want to be free, or want something different in his or her life.

Most religion, and in fact, even in science, human are placed in the highest hierarchy of living organism. Yet, why are we craving being into something else? Isn't it ironic? We, human who are at the top of the ladder wants to be something below us? I personally think that this shows that humans are incomplete and this feeling proves that no matter how advance we are we cannot run from the fact that we are missing something. Something here can mean anything. The fact that we are incomplete sometimes makes some person tick, and go furious about it. I wonder why? Is it because he or she believes that human is the best creation ever? Or humans are the peak of evolution?

This also raises another question, is human a part of nature? Personally I do not think so. Religiously, the Earth and the nature, not to mention the universe is created before human. Scientifically also, humans comes after nature existed. We are put into the picture by God to test us; and see what we have done? Louis Khan have once said, Nature does not need us, we, humans, needs nature. It's a undeniable fact.

Take now for example. The global warming, and the pollution crisis. It is devastating to us, and not to nature. Nature can still persist even if the ocean rose 3 meters high, or the temperature rises 3 centigrade. How about human? Of course not. Even with technologies, we can only live in small numbers, with a whole lot of restriction. Human mind is not transcendent to think to such heights. At one point we can only think about ourself. At zero hour we can see people being selfish, leaving all morality and their principle and ideology behind. Being hypocrite is something human cannot leave.

Sometimes, thinking of this, I can understand why some people does not want to be human. They rather be low ranked rather than being devastating to others.

Henceforth, we unconsciously think about this, and make decision, either to be at the top or somewhere else in the ladder. Being on top does not mean we can be happy. The higher we are the greater the responsibilities and the risk of falling. As they say, too much of everything is never a good thing.

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