

0332 - I still haven't finished my model.

Not even halfway I'd say.

Two days is not enough. Seriously. Damn.

My hand hurts. My head is spinning. All I have is the tasteless tea, oh wait, there's none. I thought there was a jug of it....


So tired, and my back hurts.

I wonder if I can finish it in time and still have the power to go on with tomorrow's class.

In addition to that I hope there will be no bad things going to happen tomorrow.

The razor blade looks to tempting. It's so sharp.

0424 - Basic Shape finish, need to do the openings quickly. Almost time for Subuh.
Damn, I wonder if I can make it through today.

Shadow casting is not something easy.

My hands are red now, like it was being soaked by very hot water. Not to mention the shaking.

And I almost cut my toes.

hahaHAHAhAahahAHAHHahahHAha~ @_@''

0642 - 'Finished' the model with some parts made in a hurry, not being so much in sync with the other parts. I am too sleepy to think of a new simple design.

My hands are glued with super glue.

My back hurts, and my eyes are crying for no reason. Like the poor little cat that was calling for its mother the whole night.

I seriously wonder what will happen in today's class.

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