

I used to complain how I am lacking of sleep.

Now I am beginning to regret saying such things because now I am sleeping whenever and wherever I can. I don’t know why but, heck, even a polar bear cannot beat me.

I wonder why? And I am eating like crazy. Sadly I did not really gain much weight. Still underweight, just a tad little under the limit.

I reckon maybe the overdue stress makes me feel tired. I wonder.

On the other hand, I want to write about something but, I feel a bit tired writing about lame stuff. The world issues somehow bores me, more than a Looney Toons can make me feel.

Sometimes I feel like this:


1 comment:

Nussaibah said...

Aww, I know the feeling. Last year, I've been sleeping whenever I can and couldn't help it. I even slept during classes... Now, it's kinda regulated... Hope you are alright :)