

Tagged by Andrew.


Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
At the end, choose as much people as you like to be tagged.
You have to tag the person who tagged you.
If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you!

1. I want to be Gundam!

2. I want to marry an anime girl, at least in my dream.

3. I want to be Tendou Souji's disciple.

4. I want to have a daughter.

5. I am a lolicon.

6. Cats is fine too!

7. Work is work. Life is life. Relationship is not related.

8. I want to live in Japan.

9. Seriously speaking, I am a sleepyhead.

10. I contradict my self sometimes.

11. Love is nothing more than a method human use to show that they have heart.

12. Favourite phrase - "Diao bu diao?"

13. Yes, we can!

14. I love green tea and not so addicted, but loving it.

15. Death is a pleasure and a gift for us.

16. Loyalty is very important too me.

17. I value friendship more than a normal people would.

18. I fucking hate waiting.

19. I am liberal yet, conservative and reserved in many different ways.

20. It is quite hard to make me really angry.

21. Loli is my weakness.

22. Anime is my life.

23. I love chemistry.

24. I like laws.

25. I want to be free!


I tag, Andrew, again. Senel Akros if you want. Blowfly if you have the time. Awangy if you see this. Siti, if you are free also.

Gonna add some more after this.

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