

Ok, I wanted to write something but I don't know what so I am going to write some rants.

First of all, I am tired with my schedule. I know that this is how Architecture is, but, the schedule is too tight. Not that I don't agree, I understand. But, I want to rant a bit to let out my stress. The work that needs to be done is fine, I can manage it. But the schedule and what really happens is what is making me stressed.

I still have to choose one more building for Science and my team members are not helping out. Not to mention Goggle also did not help much. Maybe I need to go to the library, oh yeah, in South Campus. That is, if I have the time. The only time I have is during Wednesdays. Thursdays are too tiring for me. Fridays is studio day.

Speaking of which today I messed up. My work were horrible, well, the objective is cleared but the result is not something that I can be proud of. At least the second one. Not to mention I messed up to colours.

I made a schedule and I hope I can manage to follow the schedule. I need to cut down anime and gaming time for now to clear up some time. Only after that I can do my marathon.

Oh, did I ever mention how I want to be like House? Well, not so raw like him but at the very least somewhat straight and decisive.

And yes a bit more sarcastic.

I wish that my wish could come true.



Anonymous said...

There are times you have to slow down and take a break, though I think it's not quite possible right now. Take out your frustration on something and you'll feel better xD Maybe it's the stress which is blocking your talent :) I wish you luck.

Anonymous said...

maybe u should write to the student body ask them to allow the library for the engineering students to be moved to your side of the campus and so dunnit to travel alot of times.