
The Last Remnant



The game was first out as a console game for the XBOX360, but then it is ported to PS3 and the PC. Square Enix’s chairman said that this game would be the step stone for international market. Indeed it is – this game certainly made a new level that a game should be.

From Wikipedia:

The Last Remnant is set in a fictional world featuring a number of distinct humanoid races; the Mitras, most human in appearance, the Yamas, strong fish-like people, the Qsitis, small reptilians, and the Sovanis, feline people with four arms. The story of the game revolves around "remnants", mysterious and coveted ancient artifacts of varying shapes and sizes which possess magic powers and which have been the cause of several wars throughout the game's history. As Remnants come in varying forms, all cities throughout the world have one that their ruler is bound to that assist to govern and bring peace to their assigned realm.

For example, Athlum has the Valeria Heart; a gigantic sword set in the middle of the Town Square. It governs courage and gives all those it surrounds the strength to stand up for their rights. David, the ruler of Athlum also is bound to the Gae Bolg; a weapon Remnant that is shaped like a cannon and can deliver devastating effects on the battlefield.


Rush voiced by the sweet voice of Nero from Devil May Cry 4, is your typical fantasy RPG hero, and well, other than being a loving brother he does not really have anything redeeming. Maybe he could have a sister complex. Hm… I think he does have one.

Then again, this game is somewhat complex for new gamers to play, not to mention the battle styles, customizations and the quest are kind off vexing. In addition, the materials needed to upgrade or create weapons is hard to find. Things are made worse when there is too many monsters to loot.

The_Last_Remnant_16   The Japanese version have a lot of difference I heard. One of it is the Lock/Dead thing.

But that’s the joy of it. It has a high replay value and I even spend a whole lot of time playing just to find a damn item. Monsters are also strong, so you wont feel bored, but, be careful. Rare monsters sometimes pops up and have a 500 million HP. Well, nothing is harder than the last boss, but hell, it’s like Omega being scattered over. How cool is that?

Graphic wise, it nice, but it really need a good graphic card. If not enjoy your slightly-better-than-PSone graphics. Seriously.

The OST’s is very nice, and some of it can make a deep effect. Surprisingly they are not that boring, being repeated again and again.

Now I am off to play and find the damned Weredragon Talon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"maybe he does have a sister complex"
I think he does because david says to him in Elysion "When it comes to matters of the heart, actions speak louder than words" and he gets all flustered saying "What?! I'm not.. I'm not"

I think in the japanese version David must have picked up on his sister complex, told him to buy her a present, and it translated down to that lol XD