Unsurprisingly things are getting worse these days.
I must agree with Lim Kit Siang's comment in his
blog, about this
The leader's in Malaysia. especially the ones in UMNO and PAS are too absorbed in their own ideology, and making contradictions of what Malaysia should be - a country for all, not a country for Malays or Islam only. I suppose they never think about other races. What they like to think is money, their power and getting more and more of such things.
What we Malaysian needs is a change of pace. Not just the government, we as the rakyat need to change also, in many ways.
We are still trapped in the phobic thinking of racism. Envying, hating and cursing other races. What happened to unity? What happened to the Malaysian Malaysia? What happened to the spirit of Merdeka?
Everyone is the same in this world. What differentiate us is our ability. If we try hard to become something, then we can. If not, we would be just, normal. Nothing comes easily, effort is needed, in everything. That is one of the basic rule of living.
So, the thing with helping the Malays and so on would be a waste at this time. Mainly because the Malays are day dreaming, they are comfortable with their position and make less effort to try to do something with the option they have, given in the special Malay rights. It's no lie; see how many Malays that are involved in many immoral activities? Are we even a Muslim?
What will happen to a country if the people is not educated? Both morally and educationally? What is the benefit in gaining rapid development but the people are still trapped in old thinking? Lack of moral values?
This applies to all races, not just the Malays.
That aside, one other thing that is making thing worse is the government. This is a political issue and politics, are never one of my favorite things.
They are leaders chosen by the rakyat. They need to work for the rakyat. Not for gaining power, or money or what ever other reason there is. They need to know that, that is their responsibility.
Then again, they are humans. Humans tends to forget the important things when are faced by lust, greed and power.
Then again who am I to say such things? Nothing will change. We would continue and bash each other, blaming this and that, making false accusations, making more lies. And who is suffering because of that?
I must say, that politics, not just in this country who I love, is filth. What happened to the so called, democracy. Perhaps maybe if Hitler rule over Malaysia people would learn the value of unity, like we had learn in order to obtain our freedom 50 years ago.
Or we had forgotten what is Merdeka?