I’ve been thinking and done a lot. Mostly related to what I want to do in the future. My lecturers helped me a lot in searching my direction. Now it is up to me to experience and work it out. Had I not meet them I think I still might be hanging not knowing how to progress. Therefore I am thankful to them.
Life, is a journey. Some say it is a battle. Well, I’d say it is a self-discovery. It’s about making peace with your self, the Maker, the people around us, and the environment. I think life is fulfilling when you are on that route. We won’t get to deep to the material life, but near to the after life. I’d say, I’m quite happy with the road I am going through. For now at least.
I hope that I can progress faster and make more meaningful actions to give my self my personality. I want to remove the persona I have – break it down and just show my self to the world. Not sure if I can, but I’ll try.
I hope that the day will come soon.